Grifulvin V
Our price: $0.60
Grifulvin V is used for treating fungal infections of the scalp, body, foot (athlete's foot), nails, thigh (jock itch), or hair follicles (barber's itch).
Our price: $7.95
Lotrisone is used for treating certain fungal skin infections, including ringworm, athlete's foot, and jock itch.
Our price: $3.50
Gyne-Lotrimin is used for treating vaginal yeast infections.
Our price: $3.50
Mycelex-G (Clotrimazole vaginal) is an antifungal agent used to treat vaginal yeast infections.
Our price: $1.15
Diflucan is used for treating and preventing certain yeast and fungal infections.
Our price: $21.26
Mentax is used for treating certain fungal infections of the skin
Our price: $3.50
Femcare (Clotrimazole vaginal) is an antifungal agent used to treat vaginal yeast infections.
Our price: $4.11
Lamisil is used for treating fungal infections of the fingernails and toenails.
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