domingo, 13 de septiembre de 2009


Our price: $0.53
Lexapro (Escitalopram) is used for treating depression and anxiety.
Our price: $0.51
Celexa (Citalopram) is used for treating depression.
Our price: $0.53
Zyprexa (Olanzapine) is used to treat schizophrenia and bipolar disorder (manic depression).
Our price: $26.82
Ashwagandha enables its users to handle stress.
Our price: $0.69
Risperdal (Risperidone) is used for treating schizophrenia or bipolar mania.
Our price: $1.75
Zyban (Bupropion) is an antidepressant and indicated as an aid to smoking cessation treatment.
Wellbutrin SR
Wellbutrin SR
Our price: $1.75
Wellbutrin SR (Bupropion) is a pharmaceutical prescription antidepressant and antismoking drug.
Our price: $0.40
Prozac (Fluoxetine) is in a new class of antidepressant medications that affects chemical messengers within the brain.
Our price: $0.95
Desyrel (Trazodone) is primarily used for the treatment of depression.
Effexor XR
Effexor XR
Our price: $0.94
Effexor XR (Venlafaxine) is an oral antidepressant drug.
Our price: $0.98
Emsam (Selegiline) is a medicine, used for the treatment of depression.
Our price: $1.09
Paxil (Paroxetine) is an anti-depressant drug.
Our price: $1.11
Cymbalta (Duloxetine) is used for treating depression and generalized anxiety disorder.
Our price: $1.11
Seroquel (Quetiapine) is used for treating schizophrenia.
Our price: $0.74
Sarafem (Fluoxetine) is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) used to treat premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD).
Our price: $0.45
Sinequan (Doxepin) is used to elevate the mood of patients with depression.
Our price: $0.34
Buspar (Buspirone) is indicated for the management of anxiety disorders.
Our price: $0.55
Atarax (Hydroxyzine) is used for treating anxiety and sedation.
Our price: $0.64
Pamelor (Nortriptyline) is used for treating depression.
Our price: $1.42
Remeron (Mirtazapine) is used to treat major depressive disorder.
Our price: $0.57
Elavil (Amitriptyline) is used to elevate the mood of patients with depression. Elavil is also a sedative, and is useful in depressed patients with insomnia, restlessness, and nervousness.
Our price: $0.57
Endep (Amitriptyline) is used to treat symptoms of depression, along with insomnia.
Our price: $0.80
Citalopram is used for treating depression and may also be used for other conditions as determined by your doctor.
Lithium Carbonate
Lithium Carbonate
Our price: $0.42
Lithium Carbonate is used to treat the manic episodes of manic-depressive illness, a condition in which a person's mood swings from depression to excessive excitement.
Vitamin B-1
Vitamin B-1
Our price: $0.28
Vitamin B-1 is essential for the body to be able to use carbohydrate as an energy source as well as for metabolising amino acids.
Our price: $0.53
Haldol is used to treat schizophrenia. It is also used to control motor and speech tics in people with Tourette's syndrome.
Our price: $0.40
Fluoxetine is used for treating premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), a severe form of premenstrual syndrome.
Our price: $1.01
5- HTP provides the quickest, most effective, and most consistent overall results in treating insomnia.
Our price: $0.51
Compazine (Prochlorperazine) is used for controlling severe nausea and vomiting and treating schizophrenia.
Our price: $0.48
Amitriptyline is a tricyclic antidepressant that increases the activity of certain chemicals in the brain (norepinephrine, serotonin), which help improve mood.
Our price: $1.06
Paroxetine is used for treating depression or obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) as well as treat panic disorder or posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
Stress Gum
Stress Gum
Our price: $0.98
Stress Gum is an innovative gum that provides you with most effective way to calm stressed nerves and promote a sense of well-being naturally.
Our price: $0.59
Tofranil is used for treating depression.
Our price: $0.80
Abilify (Aripiprazole) is used for treating schizophrenia and certain symptoms of bipolar disorder.
Our price: $0.95
Trazodone is a tetracyclic antidepressant and may also be used for relief of an anxiety disorder.
Our price: $0.45
Clozaril (Clozapine) is an atypical antipsychotic used for managing schizophrenia in patients who do not respond to other medicines and is used to decrease the risk of suicidal behavior in certain patients.
Our price: $0.35
Zoloft (Sertraline) is a prescription medicine used to treat depression, panic disorder.
Our price: $0.64
Anafranil (Clomipramine) is used for treating obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).
Our price: $1.53
Luvox (Fluvoxamine) is used to treat obsessive-compulsive disorders involving recurring thoughts or actions.
Our price: $99.97
Zanaprin is the revolutionary new product designed to produce the anxiety and stress relieving effects of prescription medications without a doctor's prescription.
Our price: $2.12
Keppra (Levetiracetam) is used for treating partial-onset, myoclonic, or generalized tonic-clonic seizures in patients with epilepsy.
Our price: $1.69
Bupropion is an antidepressant that works in the brain to treat depression.
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